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Imprint Data Protection


According to § 5 TMG


Responsible for the content of this homepage:


Christoph Fuhrken

Alt Ipweger Weg 48

26180 Rastede




Tel .: +049 (0) 441 36180648


Tax ID:


Sales tax identification number according to § 27a


Sales tax law


DE 231415254


Supervisory authority


District office of Westerstede


responsible for the content: Christoph Fuhrken

Notice of liability:


Despite careful content controls, we accept no liability for the content of external links. The operators of the linked pages are solely responsible for their content.


The content and structures used (information, images, data, logos) are protected by copyright in accordance with the applicable legal provisions. It is forbidden to use, reproduce, reproduce, pass on, save, etc., in whole or in part, parts of this page to its advantage, in any form and by whatever means, without the prior written consent of the author.




It is neither our intention to violate legal provisions nor to gain a competitive advantage by missing information. If you nevertheless assume that one of your property rights is violated or violates applicable law, please let us know by email so that the alleged violation, if the allegation applies, can be remedied immediately.


Please note that the more time-consuming involvement of a lawyer combined with a fee-based warning does not correspond to our real or presumed will as a service provider.

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